What does KK mean in Dutch? (2024)

What does KK mean in Dutch?

When you buy your own home, you will need to pay purchasing and financing costs, known in Dutch as kosten koper or k.k. This means that the buyer pays the property transfer tax and the costs of the transfer deed.

What does KK mean in Dutch slang?

TIL that while in English kk is slang for ok, in Dutch, kk is slang for kanker, which means cancer, and is one of the most offensive Dutch swear words. : r/todayilearned.

What does KK mean in slang?

Phrase. kk. (Internet slang) Reduplication of k (“o*kay”) (indicates that no further explanation is necessary for a subject, or that the message was understood and will be acted upon without further confirmation). (Internet slang) okay cool (a shortened response usually used at the end of a conversation).

What does Kanker mean in Dutch slang?

Kanker means "cancer". It can be used as a strong expletive, as an adjective or as an adverb. Krijg de kanker ("get cancer") is used as an insult. In slang, it can also have a positive meaning.

Where does KK come from?

Originally, it didn't just mean “o*k.” “Kk” came from, “k, kewl,” translating to “o*k, cool.” I've never heard anyone say “Kk” in person, except when reading a text message out loud. Even then, it sounds beyond stupid. It is stupid. It's an acronym for two words that are misspelled and conjoined.

What does KK mean in Amsterdam?

You'll notice that properties in the Netherlands are always offered with a price followed by either KK or VON. KK (Kosten Koper) means that all of the costs related to buying the house will be paid for by the buyer. These costs include: Transfer tax (2%)

Why text KK instead of OK?

The use of "Kk" instead of "Ok" or "k" is often a variation in text messaging or online communication. It's a casual way of acknowledging a message or indicating agreement. People might use "Kk" to add a slightly more friendly or informal tone to their response compared to the concise "k" or the more complete "Ok."

Why do girls say KK in text?

What Does 'Kk' Mean In Text? “Kk”, or “kay-kay” when said aloud, is a shorthand for “o*kay” that's used by people of all ages and backgrounds. However, this cutesy colloquialism has its ideal time and place.

Why do girls respond with KK?

“Kk” is the closest to gotcha. It means message received, roger that. You're on your way?

Does KK mean OK?

interjectionInformal. (used in text messages and other digital communications) okay; OK.

What is a bro in Dutch slang?

The Dutch word for "Dude" or "Bro" is "Jongen" or "Kerel" respectively. You can say “vriend” like “alles goed vriend?” which is “how are you mate?” When you meet your friend you can say “heey ouwe gek!” means heey old crazy guy!

What do the Dutch call themselves?

Seeing as the Dutch refer to themselves as "nederlanders", there's no reason why the English can't use the equivalent 'netherlanders', in the same vein as 'greenlanders' or indeed 'new zealanders', but that's a different question.

What does double KK mean?

k stands for ok , saying kk indicates you are very agree about something .

Why is it called KK?

You will often see KK when gaming, texting, and messaging online. It is a short form of the phrase "Okay".

What does KK mean Dutch price?

Additional costs when buying a house in the Netherlands (kosten koper) The kosten koper (k.k.) are all the additional costs that the buyer is obliged to pay when purchasing a property.

What is KK in Czech?

Kk stands for kuchyňský kout = kitchen corner. That means that the kitchen is not a separate room and the whole cooking area is placed in one of the rooms. So, let's say you have a 2+kk. That means you have one bedroom and one room which happens to have a cooking area in it as well.

What does KK mean in Czech?

Kuchyňský kout is what is meant by kk, which is a kitchenette in the Czech language. A kitchenette is usually located in a large room, which is generally used as a living room. Thus, popular studio apartments are identified by the abbreviation 1 + kk.

What does it mean when a girl says KK instead of OK?

Why does a girl text KK? The kk online acronym simply means "okay" or "message acknowledged." It's the same as nodding in person or saying "cool," "gotcha," etc.

What does OKK mean from a girl?

K : she is not having that much of interest in you. Ok : she is having a casual feeling like a friend for you. Okkk: she is interested in you , she wants to know more about you and want to spend more time with you.

Why do boomers text like that?

An article by The Outline suggests that many Boomers will use ellipses after their messages to avoid “concrete endings” or to “slow down” the flow of the messages. NYU professor Eliot Borenstein said that, “I like the idea of my comment just kind of… trailing off…in a thoughtful haze… It means I'm still thinking!”

How do you respond to KK?

1. KK: You can respond with a simple "Okay" or "Got it". 2. LOL: You can respond with "Haha" or "That's funny".

Is texting k rude?

Depends, really. If you're texting someone close (or someone you don't really care about your relationship with them), it's acceptable. If you're texting your boss, however, or someone whose relationship with you could potentially affect you, it's advisable not to use “K” to agree.

What does it mean when a girl says heyyy?

“Heyyy” usually means that she's super into you.

If a girl texts you “heyyy,” it's a pretty good sign that she likes you and thinks you're hot stuff. In fact, “heyyy” is often code for, “Alright, come on now.

What does EK mean in Dutch?

Pronoun. ek. I (first-person singular pronoun) quotations ▼

Is writing KK rude?

In case you're wondering where "kk" came from, there are conflicting theories, but most seem to say that it's a shortened version of the popular 90s gamer expression "k, kewl," which is itself a shortened version of "ok, kewl." Wherever it came from, it does seem to be the most polite form of acknowledgement for the ...


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated: 04/04/2024

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.