Can I have 2 jobs in the Netherlands? (2024)

Can I have 2 jobs in the Netherlands?

You may work as much as you want, but you have to report your income to the Dutch Tax Administration (Belastingdienst, in Dutch). How much tax you have to pay on the extra earnings depends on your personal situation and other income. If you receive a benefit, the amount you earn may affect it.

Is dual employment allowed in Netherlands?

There are many opportunities for dual career candidates in the Netherlands, and our FAQs focus on a few areas: Starting a business: the pre-requisites, including applying for a self-employed residence permit (or start-up visa) if that is your case, as well as general considerations for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.

Does Netherlands allow dual?

Currently, the Netherlands has some of the strictest rules on dual nationality in Europe, only allowing it in a few circ*mstances, for instance, if a person is married to someone with a Dutch passport, or if their country of origin does not allow them to renounce their citizenship.

Can I work more than 40 hours in Netherlands?

Legal limits to working hours in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands an employee can legally work a maximum of 12 hours per shift and a maximum of 60 hours per week. This limit is only for brief periods, for longer time frames the limit is lower.

Can you work two jobs in Europe?

If you have a 40 hour job in Germany and sign a contract in another country for another 40 hour job, they'd expect you to quit one job. You'd have the right to work in A, and the right to work in B, but because of labour laws you don't have the right to work two full time jobs. Just like a dual citizen.

Is dual employment illegal in USA?

Under the Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938, two or more employers can employ an individual employee at the same time, as the Act does not prevent an employee from having more than one employment relationship at the same time.

What is the work policy in the Netherlands?

According to Dutch legislation, full-time employees over 18 years of age may not be asked to work more than 12 hours per day or 60 hours per week. Overtime should also not exceed four hours per day or 24 hours per week.

Why Netherlands doesn t allow dual citizenship?

If you hold more than 1 citizenship, it is not always clear what your rights are. For instance, your country of origin may require you to do compulsory military service. The Government of the Netherlands wants to limit dual citizenship as much as possible.

Does a baby born in Netherlands get citizenship?

If your child is born in the Netherlands, he/she does not get Dutch citizenship automatically. According to Dutch law, the child gets the citizenship of the parents. This means that the parents' nationality is transferred to the child. The country (place) where your child is born does not determine its nationality.

Can you be a U.S. and Dutch citizen?

Not possible to apply for dual nationality

You cannot apply for dual nationality. Someone can, however, automatically get dual nationality, for example by birth. Read about dual nationality by birth (only available in Dutch) on the website of the Dutch government.

Does an 8 hour work day include lunch Netherlands?

Full-time. Most full-time jobs in the Netherlands are 36 to 40 hours a week, or 4 to 5 days a week 7 to 8 hours a day. Depending on your company, a full work week can be either 38 or 40 hours. You are allowed to have a 30-minute unpaid break during a normal 7-to-8-hour shift.

Does the Netherlands have a 4 day work week?

Although the Netherlands doesn't officially work a 4 day week, it's the a norm for many people, especially working moms. According to government statistics, 86% of employed moms worked less than 35 hours per week. 12% of working fathers also worked low hours compared to other countries.

What is the cost of living in the Netherlands?

The cost of living in the Netherlands is believed to be around 800-1000 Euros per month, including food, rent, transportation, books, and other expenses.

Can I work with 2 employers?

Is It Legal to Work Two Full-Time Jobs? Having a second job doesn't violate any laws, but it might be a breach of contract with your current employer. Ensure that the company you're currently working for allows moonlighting and check the company policy and employment contract for guidance.

Is it safe to work two jobs?

Splitting your employment time is risky — you can burn out, fumble responsibilities, or jeopardize your job. Before making the decision to take on two jobs, consider some of the risks. Legal conflicts. Many employee contracts include a clause about working for competitors.

Is it illegal to work 2 jobs at the same time in Germany?

What are the rules in Germany? Secondary employment is generally permitted in Germany and does not have to be approved by the 'main' employer. Secondary employment can take the following forms: another salaried employment relationship with another employer; or.

Is it unethical to work 2 full-time jobs?

Obligations, Ethical Issues, and Consequences

If you're an individual who is “Moonlighting”, you need to consider that you could be violating an employment contract or company policies. Most employers prohibit moonlighting.

Is working two remote jobs illegal?

While having two remote jobs is not illegal, an employer still could terminate you on the spot.

How do I find out if an employee has a second job?

Monitor their amount of sick or absent days. If they're often out sick or taking days off for personal reasons, it may indicate a second job. Take notice of how alert they are at work. If they are frequently tired or exhausted, they may be working two jobs, which can be exhausting.

Can I work remotely and live in Netherlands?

Digital Nomad Visa for The Netherlands. In short, anyone can apply to work in the Netherlands as a digital nomad, but citizens from specific nations will be in a better position to qualify for the self-employed residence permit.

How many hours am I allowed to work in Netherlands?

Dutch legislation offers the following guidelines in the long term: Throughout four weeks, employees should not work more than 55 hours a week on average. A collective arrangement may allow longer hours but no more than 60 per week.

Is remote work legal in the Netherlands?

Working from home is not a legal right, but an employee has the right to submit a written request for "adaptation of the workplace" to his employer under the Flexible Working Act. The workplace refers to different work locations of the employer, the workplace at home and “any place else”.

Can you lose Dutch citizenship?

If you only hold citizenship of the Netherlands, you will never automatically lose it. However, you can automatically lose your Dutch citizenship if you acquire another citizenship or if you have dual citizenship. The Government of the Netherlands can also actively revoke your Dutch citizenship.

What happens if I marry a Dutch citizen?

Applying for an 'option procedure'

As defined by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), you will be eligible for this Dutch citizenship route if you have been married to a Dutch citizen or you have been the registered partner (i.e. in a civil partnership) of a Dutch citizen for at least three years.

What are 3 countries in Europe that do not allow dual citizenship?

Here are the full list of countries disallowing dual citizenship for foreigners..
  • Austria.
  • Bulgaria.
  • Croatia.
  • Czechia.
  • Denmark.
  • Estonia.
  • Germany.
  • Latvia.
Feb 4, 2023


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