635 Adjectives That Start with W for ESL Learners - English Study Online (2024)

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Adjectives that start with W in English! Here is the list of adjectives beginning with the letter W in the alphabet with useful example sentences and ESL infographic.

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Adjectives That Start with W

635 Adjectives That Start with W for ESL Learners - English Study Online (1)

Common Adjectives Starting with W

  • Wacky
  • Waggish
  • Wailful
  • Wailing
  • Waiting
  • Wakeful
  • Wakeless
  • Waking
  • Walking
  • Walleyed
  • Walloping
  • Wandering
  • Wanted
  • Wanting
  • Wanton
  • Warlike
  • Warm
  • Warmhearted
  • Warning
  • Warped
  • Warriorlike
  • Wartlike
  • Warty
  • Wary
  • Washable
  • Washed
  • Washy
  • Waspish
  • Waste
  • Wasted
  • Wasteful
  • Watchful
  • Waterborne
  • Watercress
  • Watered
  • Waterless
  • Waterlogged
  • Waterproof
  • Watertight
  • Waterworn
  • Watery
  • Wavelike
  • Wavering
  • Wavy
  • Waxlike
  • Waxy
  • Wayward
  • Weak
  • Weakened
  • Weakening
  • Weakly
  • Wealthy
  • Weaned
  • Weaponed
  • Weaponless
  • Wearable
  • Wearied
  • Wearing
  • Wearisome
  • Weary
  • Wearying
  • Weather
  • Weathered
  • Weatherly
  • Weatherworn
  • Webby
  • Weblike
  • Wedded
  • Wedged
  • Wee
  • Weedless
  • Weedy
  • Weeklong
  • Weekly
  • Weensy
  • Weeny
  • Weeping
  • Weepy
  • Weighted
  • Weightless
  • Weighty
  • Weird
  • Welcome
  • Welcoming
  • Welfarist
  • Well
  • Wellborn
  • Wesleyan
  • West
  • Westbound
  • Westerly
  • Western
  • Westernmost
  • Westmost
  • Westside
  • Westward
  • Wet
  • Whacked
  • Whacking
  • Whacky
  • Whatever
  • Whatsoever
  • Wheaten
  • Wheeled
  • Wheelless
  • Wheezing
  • Wheezy
  • Whimsical
  • Whiney
  • Whiny
  • Whiplike
  • Whipping
  • Whippy
  • Whirring
  • Whiskered
  • Whiskerless
  • Whiskery
  • Whispered
  • Whispering
  • White
  • Whitened
  • Whitewashed
  • Whitish
  • Whole
  • Wholehearted
  • Wholemeal
  • Wholesale
  • Wholesome
  • Whopping
  • Whorled
  • Wiccan
  • Wicked
  • Wide
  • Wideband
  • Widespread
  • Widowed
  • Wieldy
  • Wifelike
  • Wifely
  • Wigged
  • Wiggly
  • Wigless
  • Wild
  • Wildcat
  • Wilful
  • Willing
  • Wilted
  • Wily
  • Wimpish
  • Windblown
  • Windburned
  • Winded
  • Winding
  • Windless
  • Windswept
  • Windup
  • Windward
  • Windy
  • Winey
  • Winged
  • Wingless
  • Winless
  • Winning
  • Winsome
  • Wintery
  • Wintry
  • Winy
  • Wired
  • Wireless
  • Wiry
  • Wise
  • Wishful
  • Wisplike
  • Wispy
  • Wistful
  • Witching
  • Witchlike
  • Withdrawn
  • Withered
  • Withering
  • Witless
  • Witty
  • Wizard
  • Wizardly
  • Wizen
  • Wizened
  • Wobbling
  • Wobbly
  • Woeful
  • Wolfish
  • Wolflike
  • Womanish
  • Womanlike
  • Womanly
  • Won
  • Wonderful
  • Wondering
  • Wondrous
  • Wonky
  • Wonted
  • Wooden
  • Woodsy
  • Woody
  • Woolly
  • Woozy
  • Wordless
  • Wordy
  • Workable
  • Workaday
  • World
  • Worldly
  • Worldwide
  • Wormlike
  • Wormy
  • Worn
  • Worried
  • Worrisome
  • Worrying
  • Worse
  • Worsened
  • Worsening
  • Worshipful
  • Worst
  • Worth
  • Worthful
  • Worthless
  • Worthwhile
  • Worthy
  • Wound
  • Wounded
  • Wounding
  • Woven
  • Wrapped
  • Wrathful
  • Wrecked
  • Wrenching
  • Wriggly
  • Wrinkled
  • Wrinkleproof
  • Wrinkly
  • Writhed
  • Writhen
  • Writhing
  • Written
  • Wrong
  • Wrongful
  • Wroth
  • Wrothful
  • Wrought
  • Wry

Here are some example sentences:


  • Some of his friends are pretty wild andwackycharacters.


  • The house had been facetiously named by somewaggishofficer.


  • Many people came to console thewailfulwidow.


  • The cat waswailingto be let out.


  • They had to sit in thewaitingroom for an hour.


  • She had spent manywakefulnights worrying about him.


  • He lay inwakelesssleep.


  • Sleeping is the best cure forwakingtroubles.


  • They had to pay awallopinggreat fine.


  • The child was foundwanderingthe streets alone.


  • She is living inwantonluxury.


  • The Spartans were awarlikepeople.


  • Everyone huddled round the fire to keepwarm.


  • She was awarmhearted, generous old lady.


  • Herwarningshout came too late.


  • The door must bewarped. It won’t close properly.


  • Forget the pointy black hat andwartynose.


  • He gave her awarylook.


  • The cotton covers are fullywashable.


  • The jean looks like old withwashycolors.


  • She had awaspishtongue which could hurt.


  • I’m afraid you’ve had awasted journey.


  • This practice is frowned upon as beingwasteful.


  • Her expression waswatchfuland alert.


  • The lawn is crying out to bewatered.


  • A broken blue line means the course of awaterlessvalley.


  • The match is off because of awaterloggedpitch.


  • My mother bought me awaterproofwatch.
Related Demonstrative Adjectives | Definition, Types and Remarkable Examples


  • The roof has been madewatertight.


  • Thewaterwornstone looks beautiful.


  • She was rescued from awatery grave.


  • She had short,wavybrown hair.


  • The soldier turned hiswaxlikefeatures toward him.


  • The cheese has a redwaxyrind.


  • She raked a comb through herwaywardcurls.


  • She is a girl ofweakapprehension.


  • He is in aweakenedcondition.


  • He looked at the mess and smiledweakly.


  • He grew up in awealthyfamily.


  • Leopard cubs areweanedat three months.


  • The new styles are very smart and verywearable.


  • She wasweariedby the constant noise.


  • Simple repetitive tasks can be verywearisome.


  • He spoke in a tone ofwearycynicism.


  • A few whiteweblikehairs were carried in the air behind him.


  • He isweddedto his work.


  • Someone hadwedgedthe door open with a brick.


  • I’ll have aweedrop of cream in my coffee.


  • The story had a ratherweedyplot.


  • At least 300 people were killed during theweeklongriots.


  • I’ll have to discontinue theseweeklyvisits.


  • She is teenny –weeny. She is so cute.


  • Her eyes were red withweeping.


  • She was feeling tired andweepy.

Positive Adjectives that Start with W

AdjectivesExample Sentences
WarmheartedShe has a warmhearted personality, always willing to help others.
WiseHis wise advice helped me make the right decision.
WinningHer winning smile brightened up the room.
WonderfulIt was a wonderful experience to visit that beautiful place.
WittyHis witty jokes always make me laugh.
WealthyShe is wealthy, but she also donates generously to charity.
Well-likedHe is a well-liked person and gets along with everyone.
WholeheartedShe gave her wholehearted support to the project.
WillingHe was willing to go the extra mile to finish the job.
WholesomeThe wholesome food at the restaurant made me feel great.

Negative Adjectives that Start with W

AdjectivesExample Sentences
WaryShe was wary of strangers.
WeakThe bridge was weak and unsafe.
WickedThe witch cast a wicked spell.
WildThe party got wild and out of control.
WiltedThe flowers looked wilted and sad.
WimpyHe was too wimpy to stand up for himself.
WoefulThe team’s performance was woeful.
WorthlessThe old car was now worthless.
WretchedThe poor man lived in wretched conditions.
WrongYou’re going in the wrong direction.

Descriptive Adjectives that Start with W

AdjectivesExample Sentences
WavyHer hair was wavy and beautiful.
WarmThe sun feels warm on my face.
WildThe jungle is full of wild animals.
WonderfulIt was a wonderful vacation.
WittyShe always has a witty comment.
WhimsicalThe movie was whimsical and fun.
WaryI’m wary of people who are too friendly.
WiseMy grandfather is a wise man.
WealthyHe comes from a wealthy family.
WoodenThe table was made of wooden planks.
WholesomeA wholesome meal is good for you.
WinningThe team had a winning season.
WiryThe dog had a wiry coat.
WetI got wet in the rain.
WorldlyShe’s traveled all over the world, so she’s very worldly.
WaywardThe wayward child wandered off.
WillingShe’s always willing to help.
WorriedI’m worried about my exam tomorrow.
WoundedThe wounded soldier was taken to the hospital.
WondrousThe view from the mountain top was wondrous.
WeakMy legs feel weak after a long hike.
WhiteThe snow was white and fluffy.
WhistlingHe was whistling a tune as he walked.
Well-groomedShe always looks well-groomed and put together.
Wavy-hairedHe had wavy-haired that fell across his forehead.
WeatheredThe old barn was weathered and worn.
WhoppingShe got a whopping bonus at work.
WhiskeredThe cat had long, whiskered whiskers.
WondrouslyThe cake was wondrously delicious.
WrathfulHis wrathful tone scared me.
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W Adjectives to Describe A Person

AdjectivesExample Sentences
WittyHe always has a clever remark, he’s so witty.
Warm-heartedShe is known for her kind and warm-hearted nature.
WiseHis advice was always wise and helpful.
Well-manneredShe is always polite and well-mannered, even in difficult situations.
Well-spokenHe is a great communicator and always comes across as well-spoken.
WholesomeShe enjoys cooking and eating wholesome, nutritious foods.
WillfulHe can be stubborn and willful at times, but he means well.
WondrousThe view from the top of the mountain was truly wondrous.
WatchfulHe kept a watchful eye on the children playing in the park.
WildShe had a wild streak in her and loved to party.
WinsomeHer winsome smile and charming personality won over everyone she met.
WonderfulIt was a wonderful evening spent with good friends.
Wavy-hairedShe had long, wavy-haired that flowed down her back.
WealthyHe was born into a wealthy family and never had to worry about money.
WhimsicalHis art was often whimsical and playful.
WorldlyShe had traveled extensively and was very worldly.
Well-dressedHe always looked sharp and well-dressed for work.
Well-groomedHer hair was always neatly styled and she was well-groomed.
Well-behavedThe children were well-behaved during the ceremony.
Well-readHe was well-read and knowledgeable about a variety of subjects.
Wide-eyedThe children looked at the new toy with wide-eyed wonder.
Warrior-likeHis determination and strength made him seem warrior-like.
Wise-crackingHe always had a wise-cracking joke to lighten the mood.
Wavy-voicedHer wavy-voiced narration added to the atmosphere of the story.
Whistle-blowingThe whistle-blowing employee alerted the authorities about the corruption.
Weather-beatenHis weather-beaten face showed the years of working outside in all conditions.
WaywardShe was known for her wayward behavior and tendency to break the rules.
WistfulShe looked out the window with a wistful expression, longing for the past.
Working-classHe came from a working-class family and had to work hard to get where he was.
Whole-heartedShe put her whole-hearted effort into every project she worked on.

A Complete List of Adjectives that Start with W

  • Wacken
  • Wacko
  • Wacky
  • Wadable
  • Wadeable
  • Wafer-thin
  • Waged
  • Wageless
  • Wagering
  • Waggish
  • Waggly
  • Waggy
  • Wagnerian
  • Wagonless
  • Wagonlike
  • Wagonload
  • Wagsome
  • Wah-wah
  • Waid
  • Waifish
  • Waiflike
  • Waify
  • Wailful
  • Wailing
  • Wainscoted
  • Wainscotted
  • Waist-deep
  • Waist-high
  • Waistcoated
  • Waisted
  • Waistless
  • Waiting
  • Waivable
  • Waiverable
  • Waivered
  • Wakeable
  • Wakeful
  • Wakeless
  • Waker
  • Waking
  • Walk-in
  • Walkable
  • Walking
  • Walleyed
  • Walloping
  • Wallowish
  • Walt
  • Walty
  • Waltzlike
  • Wamble-cropped
  • Wambly
  • Wan
  • Wan-thriven
  • Wandering
  • Wandy
  • Waning
  • Wankish
  • Wankle
  • Wanky
  • Wanned
  • Wannish
  • Want-away
  • Wanted
  • Wanting
  • Wantish
  • Wantless
  • Wanton
  • Wantoner
  • Wantsome
  • Wanty
  • Wany
  • Wapanese
  • Waped
  • Wapentakal
  • Wappened
  • Waqfed
  • War-ridden
  • War-torn
  • Ward
  • Ware
  • Wareless
  • Warful
  • Warheaded
  • Warkand
  • Warless
  • Warlike
  • Warlock
  • Warly
  • Warm
  • Warm-blooded
  • Warm-hearted
  • Warm-up
  • Warmed
  • Warmer
  • Warmest
  • Warmful
  • Warmhearted
  • Warming
  • Warmish
  • Warning
  • Warped
  • Warranted
  • Warrantless
  • Warrened
  • Warrenlike
  • Warring
  • Warrior-like
  • Warriorlike
  • Warrish
  • Warsome
  • Warted
  • Wartish
  • Wartless
  • Wartlike
  • Wartorn
  • Warty
  • Warworn
  • Wary
  • Washable
  • Washed
  • Washed-out
  • Washed-up
  • Washen
  • Washing-up
  • Washingtonian
  • Washy
  • Wasp-waisted
  • Waspish
  • Waspless
  • Wasplike
  • Waspy
  • Wassy
  • Wastable
  • Waste
  • Wasteable
  • Wasted
  • Wasteful
  • Wasteless
  • Wasterful
  • Wastey
  • Wastfull
  • Wastry
  • Watchable
  • Watchful
  • Water-cooled
  • Water-loving
  • Water-worn
  • Waterborne
  • Watercress
  • Waterfree
  • Waterful
  • Waterie
  • Waterish
  • Waterless
  • Waterlike
  • Waterlogged
  • Waterproof
  • Waterproofed
  • Watertight
  • Waterworn
  • Watery
  • Wattled
  • Wavecut
  • Waved
  • Waveful
  • Waveless
  • Wavelike
  • Wavering
  • Wavery
  • Wavy
  • Wax
  • Waxen
  • Waxlike
  • Waxy
  • Wayfaring
  • Waymarked
  • Wayn
  • Wayside
  • Wayward
  • Waywise
  • Waywitty
  • Wayworn
  • Wazzed
  • Weak
  • Weak-kneed
  • Weak-willed
  • Weakened
  • Wealthless
  • Wealthy
  • Weaning
  • Weaponed
  • Weaponless
  • Wearable
  • Weariable
  • Wearie
  • Weariful
  • Weariless
  • Wearing
  • Wearish
  • Wearisome
  • Wearproof
  • Weary
  • Wearying
  • Weasel-faced
  • Weasel-like
  • Weaselish
  • Weasellike
  • Weaselly
  • Weasely
  • Weastward
  • Weasy
  • Weather-resistant
  • Weathered
  • Weatherly
  • Weatherproof
  • Webbed
  • Webless
  • Weblike
  • Webometric
  • Websafe
  • Wedded
  • Wee
  • Weedy
  • Week-long
  • Weeklong
  • Weekly
  • Weekold
  • Weekslong
  • Weensy
  • Weeny
  • Weepful
  • Weepy
  • Weerish
  • Weest
  • Weetless
  • Weeviled
  • Weevilled
  • Weevilly
  • Weighted
  • Weightless
  • Weighty
  • Weird
  • Weird-ass
  • Weirdish
  • Weirdling
  • Weirdsome
  • Weirdy
  • Weirlike
  • Wel-begone
  • Welch
  • Welcome
  • Welcoming
  • Weldable
  • Weleful
  • Well
  • Well-adjusted
  • Well-advised
  • Well-appointed
  • Well-argued
  • Well-armed
  • Well-aware
  • Well-balanced
  • Well-behaved
  • Well-born
  • Well-bred
  • Well-built
  • Well-conceived
  • Well-connected
  • Well-considered
  • Well-covered
  • Well-crafted
  • Well-defined
  • Well-deserved
  • Well-developed
  • Well-disposed
  • Well-documented
  • Well-done
  • Well-dressed
  • Well-earned
  • Well-educated
  • Well-endowed
  • Well-equipped
  • Well-established
  • Well-favoured
  • Well-fed
  • Well-founded
  • Well-groomed
  • Well-heeled
  • Well-honed
  • Well-informed
  • Well-intentioned
  • Well-kempt
  • Well-kept
  • Well-knit
  • Well-known
  • Well-liked
  • Well-liking
  • Well-lit
  • Well-made
  • Well-maintained
  • Well-mannered
  • Well-meaning
  • Well-off
  • Well-oiled
  • Well-placed
  • Well-planned
  • Well-prepared
  • Well-qualified
  • Well-read
  • Well-received
  • Well-rounded
  • Well-spoken
  • Well-suited
  • Well-tempered
  • Well-thought-of
  • Well-thought-out
  • Well-to-do
  • Well-traveled
  • Well-used
  • Well-versed
  • Well-willing
  • Well-wishing
  • Well-worn
  • Well-written
  • Wellbeseen
  • Wellborn
  • Wellbred
  • Wellcome
  • Wellerian
  • Wellesian
  • Wellesleyan
  • Wellknown
  • Welsh
  • Wenchful
  • Wenchish
  • Wenchless
  • Wenchlike
  • Wenchly
  • Wenchy
  • Wertrational
  • Wery
  • West
  • Westabout
  • Westbound
  • Wester
  • Westering
  • Westerly
  • Western
  • Western Christian
  • Westernmost
  • Westward
  • Wet
  • Wetproof
  • Wetside
  • Wetsuited
  • Wettable
  • Wettish
  • Whacky
  • Whalelike
  • Whally
  • Wharflike
  • Whatso
  • Wheat
  • Wheaten
  • Wheatish
  • Wheatless
  • Wheatlike
  • Wheeled
  • Wheezing
  • Wheezy
  • Which
  • Whichever
  • Whilome
  • Whimmy
  • Whimpering
  • Whimpery
  • Whimsical
  • Whimsome
  • Whineling
  • Whiney
  • Whingey
  • Whingy
  • Whining
  • Whiny
  • Whip-smart
  • Whippy
  • Whirlwind
  • Whirly
  • Whiskered
  • Whispered
  • Whispering
  • Whispery
  • Whispy
  • Whist
  • Whistful
  • Whistlable
  • Whistle-stop
  • Whistleable
  • Whistlelike
  • Whistlerian
  • Whistling
  • White
  • White-bread
  • White-collar
  • White-glove
  • Whitecollar
  • Whitewashed
  • Whole
  • Wholehearted
  • Wholemeal
  • Wholesale
  • Wholesome
  • Wholistic
  • Whooping
  • Whopping
  • Wick
  • Wicke
  • Wicked
  • Wicker
  • Wickered
  • Wickerlike
  • Wicketless
  • Wickless
  • Wicklike
  • Wide
  • Wide-angle
  • Wide-awake
  • Wide-bodied
  • Wide-eyed
  • Wide-field
  • Wide-ranging
  • Wideband
  • Widescreen
  • Widespread
  • Widish
  • Widow
  • Widowed
  • Widthless
  • Wieldy
  • Wiery
  • Wifeless
  • Wifelike
  • Wifely
  • Wifey
  • Wifish
  • Wifty
  • Wiggly
  • Wild
  • Wild-eyed
  • Wilding
  • Wildish
  • Wilful
  • Will-less
  • Willful
  • Willing
  • Willless
  • Willowed
  • Willowish
  • Willowlike
  • Willowy
  • Willsome
  • Willy
  • Wilted
  • Wily
  • Wimpy
  • Windblown
  • Windbound
  • Windburnt
  • Windchilled
  • Windfallen
  • Windful
  • Winding
  • Windless
  • Windowless
  • Windproof
  • Windswept
  • Windy
  • Wine-colored
  • Wine-coloured
  • Wineful
  • Wineless
  • Winelike
  • Wingbacked
  • Winged
  • Wingless
  • Wingy
  • Winksome
  • Winky
  • Winless
  • Winly
  • Winnable
  • Winne
  • Winning
  • Winsome
  • Winter
  • Wintery
  • Wintry
  • Winy
  • Wipeable
  • Wiperless
  • Wirable
  • Wiry
  • Wise
  • Wishful
  • Wishy-washy
  • Wispen
  • Wispish
  • Wisplike
  • Wispy
  • Wistful
  • Witeless
  • Witful
  • Withdrawn
  • Withered
  • Withering
  • Withstandable
  • Withy
  • Witless
  • Witnessable
  • Witnessless
  • Witsome
  • Witter
  • Witty
  • Wizard
  • Wizardly
  • Wizened
  • Wobblesome
  • Wobbly
  • Wobegone
  • Woebegone
  • Woeful
  • Woegeous
  • Woeless
  • Woful
  • Woggish
  • Wojus
  • Wole
  • Wolfish
  • Wolflike
  • Wolven
  • Womanly
  • Wonderful
  • Wonderous
  • Wondersome
  • Wonderstruck
  • Wondrous
  • Wonky
  • Wonted
  • Wontish
  • Woo
  • Woo-woo
  • Wooable
  • Wood
  • Wooded
  • Wooden
  • Woodfree
  • Woodland
  • Woodless
  • Woodsy
  • Woofy
  • Wool-dyed
  • Wooled
  • Woolen
  • Wooley
  • Woolly
  • Woolly-minded
  • Wooly
  • Woo Woo
  • Woozy
  • Wordless
  • Wordy
  • Work
  • Work-oriented
  • Workable
  • Workaday
  • Working
  • World-class
  • Worldly
  • Wormed
  • Wormy
  • Worn
  • Worn-down
  • Worn-in
  • Worn-out
  • Worn out
  • Worriable
  • Worried
  • Worriless
  • Worrisome
  • Worrit
  • Worry-free
  • Worrying
  • Worryless
  • Worse
  • Worshipful
  • Worst
  • Worth
  • Worthless
  • Worthwhile
  • Worthy
  • Wounded
  • Wounding
  • Wrangler
  • Wrangling
  • Wrapped
  • Wrathful
  • Wreathed
  • Wreckage
  • Wrecked
  • Wreckful
  • Wreckish
  • Wreckless
  • Wretched
  • Wretchful
  • Wriggling
  • Wriggly
  • Wringing
  • Wrinkle-free
  • Wrinkled
  • Wrinkleless
  • Wrinkly
  • Wristy
  • Writeable
  • Writerly
  • Writhen
  • Writhing
  • Written
  • Wrong
  • Wronged
  • Wrongeous
  • Wronger
  • Wrongful
  • Wrongheaded
  • Wrought
  • Wry
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635 Adjectives That Start with W for ESL Learners - English Study Online (2)

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5855

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.