Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (2024)

Nintendo Switch Online features supported

System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 18/11/2022



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Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (2)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (3)

Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero

Venture beyond the Paldea region with the paid DLC!

Learn more

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (4)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (5)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (6)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure!

The Pokémon series takes an evolutionary step with Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet on Nintendo Switch. Journey together with friends as you explore freely in an open world inhabited by new Pokémon!

Welcome to the Paldea region!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (7)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (8)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (9)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (10)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (11)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (12)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (13)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (14)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (15)

Adventure awaits in the Paldea region, a sprawling land of vast open spaces dotted with lakes, towering peaks, wastelands and perilous mountain ranges.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (16)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (17)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (18)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (19)

Go freely back and forth between three grand stories as you follow your own path. Beat the eight Gyms spread across the region – in any order – to prove your strength and aim for the Champion Rank!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (20)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (21)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (22)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (23)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (24)

Enrol at the prestigious academy located in the heart of the Paldea region and study alongside Pokémon. Here you’ll be given a special independent study project known as the “Treasure Hunt”, a grand excursion to hone your skills as a Pokémon Trainer!

Let’s meet some of the friends and teachers who’ll aid your studies.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (25)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (26)


Your friend Nemona is sunny, energetic and absolutely loves Pokémon battles! As an experienced Pokémon Trainer, she’ll serve as a reliable guide on your journey.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (27)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (28)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (29)

Professor Sada

Professor Sada is carrying out research into certain lore passed down in the region…

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (30)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (31)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (32)


Your classmate Penny is rather shy and doesn’t come to the academy very often, but you can’t fail to spot her thanks to the fluffy Eevee bag she carries on her back!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (33)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (34)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (35)


The academy’s director Clavell is strict, but kind, and will teach you many things about your new school.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (36)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (37)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (38)


Senior student Arven is good at cooking and is researching recipes to help Pokémon feel better, but he needs your help when it comes to battling!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (39)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (40)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (41)

Mr. Jacq

Your homeroom teacher Mr. Jacq is very knowledgeable about Pokémon biology, though he sometimes loses himself in his research.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (42)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (43)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (44)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (45)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (46)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (47)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (48)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (49)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (50)

The academy has different kinds of uniforms, ranging from short sleeves to warm blazers. Customise your Trainer’s eyes, mouth, hairstyle and eyebrows, and collect a wide variety of accessories to express your own unique style!

Meet new Pokémon

Choose your first partner Pokémon from Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. Which Pokémon will you start with?


Category: Grass Cat Pokémon

Type: Grass

Capricious and attention seeking, it may sulk if it sees its Trainer giving attention to a Pokémon other than itself.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (60)


Category: Fire Croc Pokémon

Type: Fire

Fuecoco is laid-back and does things at its own pace. It loves to eat, and it will sprint towards any food it finds with a glint in its eye.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (61)


Category: Duckling Pokémon

Type: Water

This serious-mannered Pokémon will follow in its Trainer’s wake. It’s tidy, and it especially dislikes getting its head dirty.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (62)

The Paldea region is home to many other new Pokémon, including Paldean forms of Pokémon you may have encountered in previous Pokémon adventures.

Legendary modes of transport

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (63)

You’ll encounter Koraidon in Pokémon Scarlet and Miraidon in Pokémon Violet. These Legendary Pokémon are shrouded in mystery and are said to have powers that far surpass that of other Pokémon.

Koraidon and Miraidon can change their forms to better suit the terrain. Ride these Legendary Pokémon to traverse the expansive Paldea region and explore every nook and cranny.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (64)

Traverse the expansive Paldea region more freely and at full speed!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (65)

Approach Pokémon in rivers, lakes and oceans or cross perilous waters in a snap!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (66)

Jump from mountains or tall buildings and glide towards your destination!

Add some shine to battles!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (67)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (68)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (69)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (70)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (71)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (72)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (73)

The Terastal phenomenon is found only in the Paldea region and makes Pokémon shine and glimmer like gems. Terastallize a Pokémon at strategic moments during battles to activate its Tera Type, increasing the power of moves that have the same type as your Pokémon’s Tera Type and changing your Pokémon’s weaknesses!

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (74)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (75)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (76)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (77)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (78)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (79)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (80)

Team up with three other Trainers in Tera Raid Battles, where you take on a Terastallized wild Pokémon within a time limit. Attack seamlessly without waiting for other Trainers’ turns and cheer on ally Pokémon to boost their stats!

Enjoy Pokémon with friends

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (81)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (82)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (83)

Share the joy of discovery as you and up to three other Trainers explore the Paldea region together in local or online co-op! Spend time with your friends, cheering each other on in wild Pokémon battles and showing off the Pokémon that walk along with you.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (84)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (85)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (86)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (87)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (88)

Use the Poké Portal to trade and battle with Trainers all over the world! Find your favourite Pokémon, complete the Pokédex and hone your skills against online rivals at the Battle Stadium.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (89)

Move, trade and gather your Pokémon all in one place with Pokémon HOME, a cloud service for Nintendo Switch and compatible mobile devices!

Find out more

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (90)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (91)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (92)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (93)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (94)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (95)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (96)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (97)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (98)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (99)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (100)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (101)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (102)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (103)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (104)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (105)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (106)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (107)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (108)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (109)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (110)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (111)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (112)

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©2022 Pokémon. ©1995–2022 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (113)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (114)

Venture beyond the Paldea region with Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero!

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Experience new stories, explore new areas and meet new people and Pokémon with the paid DLC, Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. This expansion also brings the return of over 230 familiar Pokémon that weren't previously available in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet!

Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (115)

Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is only compatible with Pokémon Scarlet for Nintendo Switch.

Looking for Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero?

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (116)

Out now!

Take a school trip to the tranquil land of Kitakami, whose people live at the base of a great mountain. Wear a traditional jinbei outfit as you meet new friends and Pokémon and unravel the mysteries behind the folk tales of this land.*

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (117)

Here are some of the new Pokémon you’ll encounter in

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (118)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (119)


This Legendary Pokémon dons a fearsome mask.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (120)

Okidogi, Munkidori and Fezandipiti

These Pokémon are beloved by the village as protectors of Kitakami.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (121)


This Matcha Pokémon makes its home in old houses.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (122)


This evolution of Applin coats itself in syrup to beguile opponents.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (123)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (124)

Out now!

Travel to the recently established Blueberry Academy, don the uniform and experience life as an exchange student at this unusual institute, which is located mostly under the ocean and specialises in Pokémon battles.**

Here are some of the new Pokémon you’ll encounter in

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (125)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (126)


This Legendary Pokémon has multiple forms and a glittering aura.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (127)


The evolution of Duraludon takes on a bridge-like appearance in a pinch.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (128)

Raging Bolt

This Paradox Pokémon can only be encountered in Pokémon Scarlet.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (129)

Iron Crown

This Paradox Pokémon can only be encountered in Pokémon Violet.

Over 230 familiar Pokémon are back!

These expansions bring with them over 230 familiar Pokémon that do not appear in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet. First partner Pokémon from past titles in the core Pokémon series will also appear in Part 2: The Indigo Disk.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (130)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (131)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (132)

Purchase bonuses

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (133)

New Uniform Set – available now!

When you purchase The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, you can claim a New Uniform Set***, which includes uniforms for spring, summer, autumn and winter that you can use at once in Pokémon Scarlet.

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (134)

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (135)

Hisuian Zoroark – available until October 31st, 2023

If you purchase The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero by October 31st, 2023, you'll be able to get a Hisuian Zoroark in Pokémon Scarlet whose Tera Type is Dark and who knows a move it can't normally learn!

Pokémon Scarlet + Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero

Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (136)

Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is only compatible with Pokémon Scarlet for Nintendo Switch.

Looking for Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero?

Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is only compatible with Pokémon Scarlet for Nintendo Switch. If you are playing Pokémon Violet, please choose Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. If you are playing both Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet and would like access to The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero in both games, both Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero and Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero are required.

You must own Pokémon Scarlet (European version) on Nintendo Switch to access downloadable content. Content packs cannot be purchased separately. DLC will only be playable after its release date. The amount of free space required for each content pack will be announced on the official website at a later date. It's possible that additional DLC, not listed above, will also be distributed with Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.

To download this content, additional storage may be needed. If you don’t have enough system storage in the Nintendo Switch console, please use a compatible microSD card (for more information, visit our Support section).

*In order to progress through the main story in Part 1: The Teal Mask, you need to have started the Treasure Hunt in Pokémon Scarlet, which requires approximately three hours of playtime (this will vary by player).

**In order to complete the main story in Part 2: The Indigo Disk, you need to have completed the main story in both Pokémon Scarlet and Part 1: The Teal Mask.

***After purchasing The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, claim your New Uniform Set by pressing the X Button and then selecting the Downloadable Content banner button at the bottom right of the menu.


Adventure, RPG


Single System (1), Local Wireless (2-4), Online (1-4)






Downloadable content, Handheld mode, Tabletop mode, TV mode

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Play online, enjoy a growing library of classic NES & Super NES games, and more with a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Find out more.

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Nintendo Switch

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Nintendo Switch Game Card


Nintendo Switch

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Nintendo Switch

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  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


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10178.00 MB

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Discover new Pokémon on a boundless, open-world adventure! (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.