What is similar to antonym? (2024)

What is similar to antonym?

A synonym is a word that means the same or almost the same as another word. Smart is a synonym for clever. • An antonym is a word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of another word. Afraid is an antonym for brave.

What are some antonyms for similar?

  • different.
  • unlike.
  • unkind.
  • unsympathetic.
  • uncongenial.
  • uncompassionate.

Does antonym mean similar?

A synonym is a word that means the same or almost the same as another word. Smart is a synonym for clever. • An antonym is a word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of another word. Afraid is an antonym for brave.

What is the opposite of similar?

Dissimilar is the opposite of similar.

What is a word for opposite but similar?

A contronym, often referred to as a Janus word or auto-antonym, is a word that evokes contradictory or reverse meanings depending on the context. Specifically, a contronym is a word with a hom*onym (another word with the same spelling but different meaning) that is also an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning).

What is another word similar to?

  • akin.
  • alike.
  • analogous.
  • cognate.
  • comparable.
  • connate.
  • correspondent.
  • corresponding.

What is the similar word?

similar. / (ˈsɪmɪlə) / adjective. showing resemblance in qualities, characteristics, or appearance; alike but not identical.

What are 100 antonyms?

List of Antonyms
17 more rows

What is 3 antonyms?

There are three different types of antonyms: complementary, gradable, and relational.

What are the 50 antonyms?

List of 130 antonyms
  • Artificial – Natural.
  • Arrive – Depart.
  • Argue – Agree.
  • All – None.
  • Amateur – Professional.
  • Alive – Dead.
  • Advanced – Elementary.
  • Adult – Child.
Nov 3, 2023

What are 25 synonyms?

List of Synonyms
15 more rows

What is an honest person called?

trustworthy, truthful, veracious; conscientious, ethical, good, incorruptible, moral, principled, scrupulous; fair, honorable, just. 2. upright.

What type of word is similar?

Adjective. Definition: an adjective is used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun. As an adjective, 'similar' typically refers to something resembling or alike in some respect.

What is the opposite of 0?

The Opposite of zero is zero! When a negative sign is written in front of a parentheses it can be read, "The opposite of the number inside ( )." -(3) is read "the opposite of 3." We simplify -(3) = -3 This says: the opposite of 3 is equal to negative 3.

When two things are the same?

Some common synonyms of identical are equal, equivalent, same, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean "not different or not differing from one another," identical may imply selfsameness or suggest absolute agreement in all details.

What is an example of a antonym?

An antonym is a type of word that has the opposite meaning to another word. For example, an antonym for 'good' is 'bad', and an antonym for 'hot' is 'cold'. Antonyms are useful in descriptive writing, as they allow us express things in powerful, impactful ways.

What is the opposite of fresh?

The antonyms of 'fresh' are stale, rotten, spoiled, etc., and the synonyms of 'fresh' are raw, natural, crisp, etc.

What is the meaning of antonyms?

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. For example, an antonym of day is night, and an antonym of on is off. The term antonym comes from antonymy, which is the technical grammar term for words that have contradictory meanings—but you can think of antonyms as opposites.

What are 100 synonyms?

Examples of Synonyms
  • Beautiful – Gorgeous.
  • Happy – Joyful.
  • Fast – Swift.
  • Big – Large.
  • Small – Tiny.
  • Smart – Intelligent.
  • Brave – Courageous.
  • Delicious – Tasty.

What is an antonym Wikipedia?

An antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meanings. Each word in the pair is the antithesis of the other. A word may have more than one antonym. There are three categories of antonyms identified by the nature of the relationship between the opposed meanings.

Is it similar or simular?

The words simular and similar are often confused because of their similar spelling. We'll help you to understand the difference. Similar means having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable when used as an adjective. Simular means false; specious; counterfeit when used as an adjective.

What is words for class 1?

Vocabulary Words For Class 1 Kids
25 more rows
Aug 24, 2022

What is a synonym for high level?

aristocratic distinguished esteemed famous first-class foremost four-star front-page grand high-up honored illustrious leading majestic major-league noble notable noted noteworthy powerful preeminent prominent top-drawer top-notch upper-class VIP well-known.

What is the definition of word for Class 1?

Answer: word are group of letter that make sense and has its own meaning.

What is a word for 3?

the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one. synonyms: 3, III, deuce-ace, leash, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, threesome, tierce, trey, triad, trine, trinity, trio, triplet, troika. type of: digit, figure. one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration. adjective.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

Last Updated: 12/02/2024

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.