How many PI profiles are there? (2024)

How many PI profiles are there?

There are 17 Reference Profiles, each with its own combination of behavioral drives and needs. Think of your Reference Profile as a unique persona that describes how you like to work best.

How many pi personalities are there?

On this page we will review all 17 Predictive Index personality types and the four reference profile categories, and explain what the four Predictive Index behavioral assessment factors are and how they fit into each of the reference profiles.

Can you fail a PI behavioral assessment?

You can't officially fail the test, but it will determine if you will progress to the next stage of recruitment. Your PI behavioral assessment score is compared to those of other candidates, with the goal to predict which of the candidates has a good behavioral match to the role.

What type of person is a persuader pi?

Persuaders are leaders and motivators within their organizations. Socially poised and extraverted, they love to make their mark, and won't shy away from risk.

What are the PI classifications?

These behavioral types are further broken down into 4 trait classes that are used to measure a person's common behaviors. The profile categories: analytical, social, stabilizing, and persistent help to provide a simplified and easy way to understand how a person may behave in their role.

What is the best job for predictive index altruist?

Altruists: A supportive, helpful, team player that is extraverted. Consider something in healthcare such as nursing, occupational or speech therapy. Possibly consider being a teacher or social worker if you are an altruist. Captain: A person who is always willing to accept a challenge.

Is there only 16 personality types?

Using a combination of four different personality designations, the MBTI then segments subjects into 16 distinct personality types. It's important to note that no one of the 16 personalities is the “best” one to have or is “better” than another.

What is the average score for pi test?

What is the PI Cognitive Assessment Average Score. The average score was calculated based on the scores of the norm group, and taking into account approximately 288,000 scores, the average score (raw) is just under 20 correct answers. In scale score, this translates to 250 out of 450 (the lowest score being 100).

What is a good PI cognitive score?

The vertical orange line is the average raw score (20/50) which corresponds with a scale score of 250 and the 50th percentile. The vertical green line represents the score 27/50, which corresponds with a scale score of 320 and the 80th percentile. Any score from here and above will be considered a competitive score.

What is the average score on the PI behavioral assessment?

An average raw score is about 20 right answers (17-23). The scaled score ranges from 100-450, with the average score being 250. Each employer determines its own target PI Cognitive Assessment™ score for a given job target.

What personality type is an altruist?

People with an INFJ personality type tend to be determined, reserved, and altruistic in their behavior. They are idealists and are passionate about making the world a better place.

What jobs can a persuader personality type get?

Sample careers for Persuaders: Persuading jobs involve leading, motivating and influencing others, such as:
  • Computer and IS Manager.
  • Architectural or Engineering Manager.
  • Advertising and Promotions Manager.
  • Financial Manager.
  • Air Traffic Controller.
  • Sales Manager.
  • Lawyer.
  • Compensation or Benefits Manager.

What is a sentinel personality type?


Sentinels are creatures of habit, they love routine and may feel a sense of duty to help others during difficult times, such as COVID or major deadlines. Sentinels can be trusted to complete tasks through to the end in an orderly and dependable fashion.

What is the difference between PI and copi?

A Co-Investigator is an individual recognized by the Institute and the Principal Investigator as someone making a significant contribution to a project. The Co-Investigator is an individual that the PI relies on to assume responsibilities above those of other personnel.

What is the difference between PI and COI?

While the PI has ultimate responsibility for the conduct of a research project, the Co-I is also obligated to ensure the project is conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and institutional policy governing the conduct of sponsored research.

What is an adaptor personality?

They are generally versatile and adaptable, flexing to meet the needs of the situation. Adapters can easily work with a variety of people and are often seen as a bridge-builders in a team setting. We view all sides of a situation, easily putting ourselves in someone else's shoes.

What is a maverick in the predictive index?

Mavericks are natural leaders. They're known to be task-oriented and persistent. They thrive when given a goal and the freedom to determine how to achieve that goal. Teams are often designed by default rather than intention.

What does captain mean in predictive index?

The Captain on a team

They're known to be innovative risk-takers and articulate communicators. They thrive in and help contribute to a culture of change and innovation. Teams are often designed by default rather than intention. A strategic, data-driven approach to building teams is what helps organizations win.

What is an artisan in predictive index?

Artisans are calming, stable forces on the team. They're known to be understanding, straightforward, and deliberate.

What is the rarest personality?

INFJ, also known as the advocate, counselor, or idealist, is the rarest type of personality in the general population. It represents about 1.5% of the general population in the United States. INFJ stands for: introversion.

What Myers Briggs type is the CEO?

Profile of the ENTJ Personality - The CEO. This driven personality will focus on the most efficient and organized means of performing a task.

What is the most insightful personality type?

INFJ: The Advocate

The rarest of the 16 personalities, the INFJ is highly insightful about people's needs, motivations and concerns. INFJs often find value in relationships with others. While often artistic, creative and complex, INFJs are also deeply caring and gentle.

How to do well on a PI test?

How to score well on the predictive index assessment
  1. Understand the assessment structure. ...
  2. Determine what the PI evaluates. ...
  3. Review the secondary traits the assessment evaluates. ...
  4. Understand how the potential employer views your results. ...
  5. Review the position you want. ...
  6. Practise for the PI behavioural assessment.
Jan 24, 2023

How difficult is the PI cognitive assessment?

The PI Cognitive Ability Test isn't considered much more difficult than other cognitive tests. However, cognitive ability tests are designed to be challenging, and the PI Cognitive Assessment is no exception.

How can I pass the PI test?

How to prepare for a Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment
  1. View sample questions. View sample questions to get an idea of what to expect for the real test and practice your answers. ...
  2. Consider what the test measures. It's important to remember that this test measures your personality traits. ...
  3. Give honest answers.
May 26, 2023


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