What time is 1 00 gmt in est - 666 õppematerjali (2024)

3docxQuiz3 vastatud3. Quiz on Electrical Drive Motors and Models1. What types of motors have the single-sided excitation?-(linear) synchronous2. What types of motors have the dc excitation?-3. What types of motors have the permanent magnet excitation?-synchronous, DC4. What types of motors have the dc supply?-DC, synchronous5. What types of motors have the slip rings?-induction6. What types of motors are the brushless motors?-DC, synchronous7. What orthogonal reference frames do you know?-(,)stator; (d,q)rotor;(x,y)arbitrary8. What natural reference frames do you know?-3 phase9. What stationary reference frames do you know?-stator10. Write the frequency equilibriums that you know.-induction:w1=w2+w12;synchronous:w1=w12;DC:w2=-w1211. What is the result of the mutual motion of the stator and rotor windings?-torque???12. What variables does the flux depend on?-L12 I12? L ja I13. Write the formulae of the synchronous speed.-2*pii*f1/...Elektroonika → Elektriajamite üldkursus 56 allalaadimist5docxElectrical drives and power electronics Electrical drives and power electronics TESTS· The synchronous machines are associated with the names of Ferraris· Name the scientists who first studied electrical phenomena Coulomb· The DC machines are associated with the names of Jacobi Henry· The leading companies in the world market of electrical drive engineering are Mitsubishi·· The electromagnetic torque is born in air gap· What kind of drives the majority of drive systems present low accuracy· The induction machines are associated with the names of Dolivo-Dobrovolsky Tesla· One of the first eletrical motors has been built by Jacobi· Electromagnetic efficiency is measured in tesla· Time constants are measured by ms s hours· Who is the author of the first electrical motor Henry· Which rectifier cannot be built without a transformer 3-phase midpoint· Call the benefits of 3-phase rectifiers upon the 1-phase ones output voltage· Which rectifier has ...Elektroonika → Elektriajamid 38 allalaadimist1docQuestions and Reported questionsQUESTIONS1.) If there is the verb be or modal verb in a sentence, then a question is formed bychanging the word order.* We're going to be late. - Are we going to be late?* He can sing - Can he sing?2.) Present and past simple questions are usually formed with the auxiliary verb do/did/done. The main verb is the infinitive.* They live in Paris - Do they live in Paris?* He saw her today - Did he see her today?3.) A question can also begin with a question word. Notice that the word order changes* She is dancing. - What is she dancing?NB!Who did Peter phone? (Subject is Peter) Kellele Peeter helistas?Who phoned Peter? (Subject is who) Kes helistas Peetrile?REPORTED QUESTIONSWhen we ask for information, we often say Do you know...?/ Could you tell me?. If youbegin a question like this, the word order is different from a simple questionCompare:Where has Tom gone? But Do you know where Tom has gone?* Wh...Keeled → Inglise keel 164 allalaadimist4docKuidas esseed kirjutada?WRITING YOUR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ESSAYS1. Keep it simple · Don't use unnecessary words (i.e. don't use three words when one will do) · Don't include unnecessary information just to "fill the page"2. Keep it neat · Type ALL your application materials (refer to the scholarship application form for specifics ­ i.e.: double spacing, margins, font, etc. · SPELL CHECK your essay ­ make sure words are used correctly (i.e.: two, to too, there their, they're, its it's, etc.) · Have someone else read your essay for clarity3. Talk about your accomplishments · Be clear and to the point · Don't brag or over market yourself 4. State your need · What is your financial situation? Do you work? Do you receive support from your family? Do you receive financial aid?5. Plan ahead · Don't procrastinate! · Give yourself plenty of time to review...Keeled → Inglise keel 282 allalaadimist3docx"The whole manager" referaatIntroductionThis inspirational and easy-to-read guide will make every manager stop and think again abouthow they approach their jobs. It provides practical advice on how to be prioritized andfocused on the key tasks, how to manage in the organization; how to delegate effectively, andhow to manage the balance between your work, family and personal needs.Managing yourselfBook begins with a basic question: How can you possibly hope to manage your unit, team,organisation or company if you can not manage yourself?Six P-s are poor preparation produces piddling poor performance. Most managers appreciatea certain need for preparation but do not give it nearly as much attention as it deserves.Preparation is vital because it will give you considerable selfconfidence right from the start.To get the best out of yourself you need to feel accountable for your actions and for those ofyour team. Basically, that means not leaning on others f...Keeled → Inglise keel 19 allalaadimist42pptxInglise keele põhitõed algajaleINGLISE KEELE PÕHITÕED C.K 2017A – AN – SOMESingular: a or an Use some for things you can't count◦ *a banana *a car *a monkey *a football ◦ *some milk *some water *some coffee◦ *an egg*an accident *an umbrella *an *some sugar eagle ◦ *some tea *some juice*some money *some butterPlural: some Exercises: 1. http://www.english-4u.de/a_an_some_ex1.htm◦ *some bananas *some cats *some monkeys *some 2. http://www.english-4u.de/a_an_some_ex3.htm balls◦ *some eggs*some oranges *some umbrellas *some 3. http://www.english-4u.de/a_an_some_ex6.htm eagles We usthe ...Keeled → Inglise keel 23 allalaadimist1odtHealth and fitness 1. Do you think that being healthy is important? Why/Why not? 2. What do you do to keep fit? 3. What are the most common illnesses of the modern world? 4. Are regular check-ups with doctors necessary? 5. Whose responsibility do you think is the health of citizens? Explane. 6. Is following a healthy lifestyle fashionable? Exp. 7. Some parents limit the time their child spends at the computer. Do you agree? Give reasons. 8. What could governments do to promote a healthy lifestyle? 9. Can fashion have a negative effect on a person's health? Give reasons. 10. What can schools do , to help students be healthy? 11. Are you a sensible ...Keeled → Inglise keel 24 allalaadimist3docBriti lastekirjandus keeleõppes - eksamiküsimusedRevision questions for the examI General 1. What is CL? that is especially written with children in mind; that is actually selected and read by children; that often introduces children as main characters; 2. What are the most important elements of literature? Characters point of view Setting plot theme style tone conflict symbol 3. What are some the most typical features of the fantasy genre? Animal characters may act like people. Characters may have special powers. Characters may be imaginary beings. Setting may be in another time (future). It usually has a good vs. evil conflict. It may use scientific principles not yet available or discovered.II Classical literature 1. What is Beowulf? When and by whom was it written? Beowulf is the conventional title of an Old English heroic epic poem. 2. Who was King Arthur? In wh...Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus 8 allalaadimist8docxTest VIII - cumulative test Test VIII - cumulative test by Piigli, Mets, Parker, Kauler"Top delusion" question / answers are red.Test IThe induction machines are associated with the names of Dolivo - Dobrovolsky,Tesla.The synchronous machines are associated with the name of Ferraris.The DC machines are associated with the names of Jacobi and Henry.The electromagnetic torque is born in air gap.The torque is proportional to the current in dc motor.Which equations are correct? P = sW; oomega = tuletis fii'stThe angular frequency is 2*pi()*n / 60 ja 2*pi()fThe motor torque is equal to TL + J * oomega tuletis aja järgiThe inductor supplies the motor with flux.The leading companies in the world market of electrical drive engineering are:Mitsubishi.The energy balance is described by energy conservation law.The armature supplies the motor with current.The cheapest and the most r...Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse 36 allalaadimist37docInglise keele jaotusmaterjalMODULE 1Greeting. Introducing oneself and the others. The alphabet. Spelling.The tenses.How to introduce yourself and othersFormal introductions How to respond and reply to anMay I introduce myself? I am John introductionSmith. How do you do.Allow me to introduce John Smith to Pleased to meet you.you.Standard introduction Nice to meet you.I'd like you to meet John Smith. Hello.I want you to meet John Smith. I'm so pleased to meet you.This is Jane Smith.I'm Jane Smith.My name's John Smith.Informal introduction Hi.John. Jane. Hello.Titles: Mr Mrs Miss MsMs is a modern form of address for women.It replaces the traditional forms of Mrs and Miss.GreetingsGood morning/afternoon/evening...Keeled → Inglise keel 31 allalaadimist6docKitarrikursus algajatele 4.osa-Ben Edwards 6 Part Beginners Guitar Course - Part Four A FREE Mini Course Brought to You by Jamorama ­ The Ultimate Guitar Learning KitHi there and welcome to Part Four of the Beginners Mini-Course on Learning How to Play the Guitar. This mini-course gives you a taste of what's covered in Jamorama -The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit!In this course you will learn powerful tips and skills to get youplaying the guitar with the fluency and accuracy of a Ben Edwards -professional, and by the end of it you will be able to play a full Creator ofsong by yourself. JamoramaIn today's lesson we have a lot to cover. We will be playing all of the chordsthat you have learned: A, D and G, and we will be trying a new strum withthese chords. By now you should be able to play and change between thesethree chords. If you followed the lesson...Muusika → Muusika 18 allalaadimist4docTeacher's questions Teacher's questionsFAMILY, HOME AND EVERYDAY LIFE1. What colours do you like? Why?I like many colours. Coloured things are more interesting than monochrome things. But I havegot my favourite colour. My favourite colour is pink. I like yellow and orange too. These coloursare quite womanly. I don't like dark colours. Dark colours are too dark for me.2. What do you think of the colour scheme of your school?I think that my school is beautiful. My school has got quite good look. In the outside the school islight. But in the inside the schoolrooms are quite colourful. I don't like the gym colour scheme. Ithink that pink and blue are not very good choice. I think that it's quite funny. But other roomsare in normal colours.3. If money where not a problem, what would your future home look like?There will be many changes in my home look. Mostly I will enlarge the rooms. I need morelivi...Keeled → Inglise keel 11 allalaadimist2docBritish test 2 questions1. What were the two institutions that Henry VII establised? Explain. Henry VII established the Court of Star Chamber to make the barons give up their private armies and overall restored finances by collecting taxes. Also Henry VII extended royal control over local government through the local magistrates called justice of peace.2. What was the idea of the Act of supremacy? With passing the Act of Supremacy, Henry VIII was made the head of the Church of England and he was now free to divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn.3. Why did Henry VIII get the title Fidei Defensor? The title was given to him by the pope because Henry VIII was against Protestantism and other religious reforms by J. Calvin and M. Luther. For that, the pope named Henry VIII the Fidei Defensor, meaning Defender of the Faith4. Why did Mary I get the nickname Bloody Mary? Because during her reign, England became official...Keeled → Inglise keel 15 allalaadimist3docMonologue and photosPHOTO COMPARISON(Solutions Upper Intermediate /Photos p. 140)  In picture 1 I can see a young Asian man being thrown up in the air by his course mates. The picture is taken somewhere outside as the man is wearing a coat.  In picture 2 I can see numerous students sitting their exam in a big hall.  The photos are connected with the topic of university  There are a few similarities between these two pictures. First, they both show young people making an effort. Second, picture 1 as well as picture 2 tell us about typical aspects of student life.  However, the pictures clearly differ from each other in several aspects. To start with, while the young man in p1 is obviously relaxing after winning a competition, the students in p2 are in the middle of writing their papers. Moreover, all people in picture 1 look over the moon, but people in picture 2 look rather p...Keeled → Inglise keel 7 allalaadimist4docRevision Questions 2013REVISION QUESTIONS 1. What do you know about Margaret Thatcher? Winston Churchill?Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister in Europe. She was a memberof the conservative party. She died recently. Winston Churchill was the PrimeMinister during WW II. He was excellent in making speeches, but he was a heavydrinker and also smoker. 2. What are the main countries of the UK and their capitals?There are 4: England with London as the capital; Wales with Cardiff as the capital;Scotland with Edinburgh as the capital; and Northern Ireland with Belfast as thecapital. 3. What is Remembrance Day all about and why is it celebrated at that time?It is about the men (and women) who lost their lives fighting in the World Wars. It'scelebrated then, because that's the day WWI was ended with a treaty. 4. Which powers does the Queen of the UK have?The Queen has to sign all the bills for them to pass. She is the o...Keeled → Inglise keel 3 allalaadimist2rtfKontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 3 Test 31 Translate.1 Homme samal ajal on meil kirjanduse tund.This time tomorrow we have a literature lesson.2 Sule silmad ja kujutle, et sa oled rannas.Close your eyes and imagine that you are on the beach.3 Meie koduklass on teisel korrusel.Our home-classroom is on the first floor.4 Õpetaja ei karistanud kedagi.The teacher didn't punish anybody.5 Üldkogunemisel me tavaliselt räägime mõnest päevakohasest probleemist.At an assembly we usually talk about some topical problems.6 Ta vaatas mulle otsa ja nareatas säravalt.She looked at me and smiled brightly.7 otsusele jõudmamake up your mind8 ajahätta jäämarun out of time2 Put the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous.1 Tom was standing by the window when he heard a knock at the door. (stand;hear)2 When the teacher entered the classroom, the students were laughing loudly.(enter; laugh)3 We saw an accident ...Keeled → Inglise keel 47 allalaadimist8docxQuestions negative sentences 2Fill in IN, ON, AT: 1. Dave was born in September. 2. He was born on the 16th of May 3. We agreed to meet at half past four. 4. On Christmas we all went to see our grandmother. 5. Jennifer came to England in 1992. 6. It started to snow on New Year's Day. 7. The First World War ended in 1918. 8. She arrived in spring. 9. We met on Sunday afternoon last week. 10. Do you drive at night? 11. It's Bruce's birthday next Wednesday. 12. Dick and Mary got married in 1993 on the 10th of July. 13. At midnight we heard footsteps. 14. In the morning we went to school as usual. 15. This castle was built in the 15th century. 16. My brother is taking his driving test at 2 o'clock on the 4th of October. 17. Mr Froster doesn't go to office on Saturdays. 18. We'll see Ken tomorrow evening. 19. It happened last week. 20. Can you come to see me on Friday morning? 21. Ron and Laura were in Italy...Keeled → Inglise keel 2 allalaadimist1odtEaster QuizEaster Quiz1.What day is Easter celebrated?Sunday2.Where does the name Easter come from?An Anglo-Saxon goddess called Eastre3.On Palm Sunday, Christians celebrate the day that ....Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted by cheering crowd4.How long is Lent is western churches?40 days5.Why do we have eggs at Easter?They are a symbol of rebirth6.The night before his death, Jesus finished the Passover meal with disciplesby sharing bread and wine7.What traditionally happened on Ash Wednesday?People put ash on their foreheads8.What does Shrove Tuesday have to do with Easter?Shrove Tuesday is the last day to indulge before Lent.9.Lent is the time of ....Abstinence (of giving things up)10.Which of the following has nothing to do with Shrove Tuesday?Lean Tuesday11.The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are madeby burning palm crosses which have been saved from Palm Sunday last year.12.During Lent Christians remembe...Keeled → Inglise keel 7 allalaadimist4odtSoome keeles küsimised Soome keel Tervehtimiset GreetingsAnteeksi, mutta minä en puhu suomea. I am sorry, but I do not speak Finnish.Puhutteko Te englantia? Do you speak English?Anteeksi, kuinka? Excuse me?Anteeksi, en kuullut. I beg your pardon.Voisitteko toistaa? Could you repeat?Anteeksi, mutta minä en ymmärrä. I am sorry, but I do not understand?Anteeksi, mutta minä en tiedä. Sorry, I don't know.Anteeksi, että olen myöhässä. Excuse my being late.Ei se mitään. No problem.Voisitteko Te auttaa minua? Could you help me?Hetkinen, olkaa hyvä. Just a moment, please.Minä olen täällä ensimmäistä kertaa. This is the first time that I am here.Ihanko totta? Really?Ymmärrä...Keeled → Soome keel 110 allalaadimist3rtfKontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 2 Test 21 Translate.1 Küll on kahju, et sa ei saanud tulla.What a pity that you couldn´t came.2 Mitte keegi ei olnud närvis.Nobody was nervous.3 Klass oli täis juttu ja naeru.The classroom was full of laughter and talk.4 Õpilased tervitasid oma õpetajat rõõmsalt.The students greeted their teacher cheerfully.5 Ma õppisin selle luuletuse pähe.I learned this poem by heart.6 Lapsed olid enne pidu ootusärevil.The children were excited before the party.7 osasid vahetamaswap the role8 kahe nädala pärastin two time a week2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form1 Did you meet Ann at the party last night? (meet)2 Do you think our team will win the football match tomorrow? (win)3 I can´t go out because I haven´t done my homework yet. (not do)4 Somebody has broken the lock. I can´t get in. (break)5 Next year Mary will spend two weeks in Liverpool. (spend)6 I usual...Keeled → Inglise keel 38 allalaadimist6pdfDIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadelH-Helen, J - Julia1.Receiving a money orderH: - Hello, I would like to cash a money order.J: - Hello! You should present your identity card.H: - But, you know, I'd like to receive money order for my sister. How do I go about it?J: - Your identity card and letter of attorney, please.H: - Here you are.J: - Well...Unfortunately, I can't cash your money order ­ your signature is not witnessed.H: - Ok. Than, please, I'd like to cash my money order.J: - Take this form and fill it in. May I see your passport?H: - Yes. Please. So...Should I write my full name, my passport number and the sum ofmoney that has been sent to me, right?J: - Certainly. How would you like the money?H: - I prefer one hundred rouble notes, if you don't mind.J: - Here is your money.H: - Thank youGetting a post-restante.H: - Hi, Julia! What are you doing here?J: - I'm getting post restante letter from Boris...H: -Ah, yeah, remember him. What is he...Keeled → Inglise keel 15 allalaadimist12docxHomework 2 Week 4Week 4 homework.Question 1:1. SNR – Ratio of root mean square signal to root mean square.2. SINAD – Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean of value of the rootsum square.3. ENOB – The effective number of bits and relates to SINAD.4. THD – Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value ofRSS of its harmonics.5. SFDR – Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worstspurious signal.6. Channels – multiple analog signal inputs to the ADC that can be individuallyselected or selected through a multiplexor.7. Linearity – Describes how an ADC conveter follows a linear function.8. Operating temperature – A temperature at which the ADC functions optimally,usually given by the manufacturer.9. Power dissipation – The proportion of power dissipated (through heat) whenthe ADC is working.Question 2:An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V.What is the digital output code ...Keeled → Inglise keel 4 allalaadimist17pdfENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks British Cuisine Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it'schips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, whenfresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their naturaltaste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served withbutter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or twoherbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say"Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in Englandof eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. Englishcooking is found at home. So it is difficult to a good English restaurant with a reasonableprices. In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian r...Keeled → Inglise keel 182 allalaadimist2docAjavormide tabel SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECTI (-s) DO/DOES AM/IS/ARE + ING HAVE/HAS + III pv.I learn English I am learning English I have learned English.I get up at 7 every day. I'm reading a good book at the I've learned 10 words today.He doesn't get up at 7. moment. He hasn't learned any newWhat time do you get up? He isn't reading anything at the words today. moment. How many words have you What are you reading at the learned today? moment?1 Korduv tegevus. 1 Praegu toimuv. 1 Äsja lõppenud2 Püsiv olukord. 2 Praeguse perioodi vältel 2 Täna/sel nädalal toimunud3 Tulevikus toimuv, seotud toimuv. ...Keeled → Inglise keel 216 allalaadimist15docSuuline eksam http://www.abiks.pri.eeFREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like?2. What musical instruments have you got in your home?3. Can you play any musical instruments?4. Do you sing?5. Have you sung at a song festival?6. Has your school got a choir?7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it?8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like?9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing?10. Have you got a collection of cassettes, CD´s or LP´s at home?11. Have you watched a ballet on TV?12. Which do you prefer ­ ballet, drama or musical?13. How often do you go to the theatre?14. Do you prefer going to the theatre or watching TV? Why?15. Do you prefer buying a cheap ticket and getting a seat at the back or spending more money and sitting in the...Keeled → Inglise keel 584 allalaadimist1pdfMaking Wine - questions and answersand answer the following questions: 1. Where does red wine get its colour? Skin fermentation 2. What is must and what does it contain? Freshly prest grape juice 3. What is the proper time to pick the grapes? Acid and sugar level are on peack levels 4. How do under and over ripe grapes affect the final product? They affect flavor, color and acid levels 5. Why is sulfite added in minute amounts immediately after crushing? To prevent fermentation prematureli 6. What is maceration and what happens during this period? It gives wine it´sbody and color. 7. What is malic acid converted into during the final stage of primary fermentation and how does it affect the wine? Lactic acid and garbonic gas 8. What happens during pressing? It ´ s doing wine softer and rounder 9. What happens if you postpone pressing the must for too long? Wine can take verry unplesent taste and aroma 1...Keeled → inglise teaduskeel 2 allalaadimist1docMagazine article on what your life will be like in ten years You are going to write your own magazine article on what your life will be like in ten years' time. 1.what are you doing now? 2.how do you see yourself changing in the next few years? 3.what will you be doind 4.what will you have done? 5.where will you be living 6.will you have got married? 7.will you have travelled a lot?Everybody has their dreams and ideas, how they want they're life to be.Right now I am a school student. I'm dancing, playing guitar and just hangout with my friends. I'm in the tenth grade of high-school, so I have onlytwo years to decide what I want to do after graduating. But I think I don'treally want to study anything more, I just want to see what the life has forme. The First three years would be the hardest. Maybe I'm going to changemy mind, and go to university. But I've got a plan, and a good one. To justslowly start to open my own busyness. Nobody really believes in that,neither do I. Bu...Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus 7 allalaadimist10docxQuestions for the First Philosophy Test Questions for the First Philosophy Testa. Introduction1. How would you characterize Modern philosophy? Commanding outlook,power, will, Man is God.2. How would you characterize Classical philosophy? Contemplative outlook,truth, intelligence, God is truth.b. Descartes3. What is the main question that Descartes is trying to answer? How can Ibe certain [sure] that I am in the truth?4. Which are precepts of Descartes' method? Only accept what is self-evident.Analysis. Synthesis. Enumeration.5. Descartes will only accept one specific kind of ideas: which and why? Hewill only accept clear and distinct ideas that are indubitable. Because the complexideas could then be constructed using the simple ideas.6. How does Descartes call his method and why is it not skeptical? Methodicdoubt. Because the goal of this doubt is not to be skeptical but to prove that somethings can not be doubted.7. “...Keeled → Inglise keel 1 allalaadimist8pdfW11 Homework SolutionsRead Chapter_6_Analog_Outputs.pdfand Chapter_8_EMI_ElectroMagnetic_Interference.pdfQuestion 1Given the below open sensor detection:a. Derive equations for both outputs VO and Vsense as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF.b. What value will appear on each output if the thermistor fails (becomes an open circuit)?c. How can the above schem be modified to implement temperature reading with open sensor detection using only one ADC and one digital input pin of the microcontroller?Solution:a. Derive equations for both outputs as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF.  Rth  Writing the equation for V1 : V1  VSense   VR  th R  R1 V0  V2 VR  V2 V2 Writing the equation for V2 :   ...Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja... 9 allalaadimist3rtfKontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 17 Test 171 Translate.1 Tal on läbitungivad silmad.She has piercing eyes.2 Ta juuksed on sassis.Her hair is messy.3 Tal on siilipea.He has a crew-cut.4 Ta on pikk ja sale.She is tall and slim.5 Keegi on mu jalgratta ära varastanud.Somebody ahs stolen my bike.6 Sa oled täna ebatavaliselt vaikne.You are unusually quiet today.7 Ta suutis ette näha oma õnnestumisi ja ebaõnnestumisi.He could forsee his successes and failures.8 Ma ei tahtnud sulle piinlikkust valmistada.I didn´t want to embarrass you.2 Write synonyms.1 powerful mighty 5 huge vast2 handsome beautiful 6 untidy messy3 frightening scary 7 nervous worried4 intelligent bright 8 friendly kind3 Write in reported speech. 1 The teacher asks, "What is the capital o...Keeled → Inglise keel 52 allalaadimist4docxThe Giver1. The memory of snow is from many generations back. The memory is so old, it takes a lot more energy to pull forward and then to transmit. That's why it was so exhausting in the community, they havent had snow, or hillsides, or color, for a very long time. They moved to Sameness generations and that this memory is from such a like a new way of living.2. He learned about the sunbath what was nice and enjoyable. Sunburn what was painful.3. Bebause Jonas thinked that he felt pain, but it was just sunburn and the real pain is much more panful. Giver afraid that when he shows to jonas real pain, then jonas go away and the community have new failure like happened to Rosemary.4. I think that the most severe pain is that when sb dies.5. He talked lesser. He didnt tell dreams to his family anymore, he was more tired and quieter. All his friends talked each other that what job they do and like that, but jonas can ...Keeled → Inglise keel 2 allalaadimist3docHow well do you know London part 2 - studentHow well do you know London? Form 10,February 2012Welcome back to the tour of London! This is your second day (lesson) thatyou spend exploring the famous landmarks of the city. Again - follow themap so that you would not get lost and try to get streetwise in London. Itis also wise to use Google Maps Street View simultaneously ­ it gives youthe wonderful feeling of strolling the streets and landmarks.Take the following questions with you, find answers to them and put themdown for yourself in this MSWord document. Don't forget to "take" photos -you are supposed to recognise the landmarks later on! At the end of thetour send the worksheet to yourself so that you could use it again.Good luck with exploring the city!DAY 2. The route: Westminster Abbey ­ The Houses of Parliament ­ LondonEye ­ 10 Downing Street ­ St Paul's Cathedral ­ The Tower of London ­Tower Bridge ­ Globe Theatre ­ Greenwich Ob...Keeled → British culture (briti... 2 allalaadimist14pdfMikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 2 Question 1 Define the following ADC terms: 1. SNR – (Signal to Noise Ratio) SNR is a calculated value that represents the ratio of RMS signal to RMS noise. 2. SINAD - (signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio) Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum-square (RSS) 3. ENOB – (effective number of bits) The effective number-of-bits and relates to SINAD 4. THD - (total harmonic distortion) Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. 5. SFDR - (spurious free dynamic range) Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. 6. Channels - related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. 7. Linearity - relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend nonlinearity. 8...Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika 10 allalaadimist2rtfTeadusfilosoofia valikutTEKST 2. Durbin, Paul T. (1984). A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, 3. Broad Synthetic vs. Narrow Analytic. Third, one may approach scienceand Medicine. ­ The Free Press. pp. 217-222. (Katkendid) from a narrow analytic or a broad synthetic point of view. That is, one could see one's task as primarily dissecting various features of science to see how they look or work, orC. Frameworks for Philosophy of Science as primarily locating science within a broader framework of human activities and artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanationsIn this section our aim is to examine alternative approaches to t...Filosoofia → Filosoofia 27 allalaadimist21pdfSuhted laste ja vanemategaMaturita Solutions Upper-Intermediate Workbook KeyUnit 1 2 members of the royal family, politicians, reality TV contestants, 4 1 2 had known had been waiting singers and TV presenters 3 had enjoyed/had been enjoying1A Talking about people ...Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus 16 allalaadimist1docTensesTense Form Use Hints Example + I pv ((e)+s)Present Simple 1. daily routines, habits or repeated actions Every hour/day/week etc , I always play football in -? do/does not+I pv 2. permanent states usually, always, in the the evenings morning/evening/night, at nightPresent Am/is/are+Iing 1. actions happening now, at the moment of speaking Now, at the moment, these I am writing a lettesatContinuous 2.actions happening around th...Keeled → Inglise keel 122 allalaadimist3docxThe present continuousThe present continuousWe use the present continuous to talk about: 1. Something which is happening at the moment of speaking. I'm reading the Grammar referance page. 2. Something which is happening around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking. I'm reading a lot of detective novels these days. 3. A changing situation. Computers are getting faster and faster. 4. Something which happens often and annoys us. My boss is always asking me to stay late. The present simple We use the present simple to talk about: 1. A routine or a habit. Jim always sets the alarm for 7.30. 2. Facts which stay the same for a long time. I have a friend who lives in London. She works in a museum. 3. Something which is always true. Ice melts when you heat it. Verbs not normally used in the continuous form 1. Some verbs are not normally used in the coniuous. These...Keeled → Inglise keel 10 allalaadimist12docxElektriajamite 1. Labor Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical EngineeringReport on laboratory work 1 on General Course of Electrical DriveSENSORLESS DRIVE POWER FLEX (ALLEN BRADLEY) Jüri Lina 666BMW Group M16 Variant 2 Tallinn 20141. Functional Diagram2. Tables of observationsTask Operation/Record Observation1 Reverse the motor speed. How long Time to reverse was 16 does the motor reverse? seconds2 2: Set the screen display an Output Minimal: 2.8V Voltage of the inverter. Turning the Maximal: 166V potentiometer, find accessible minimal and maximal voltages. Stop the drive.3 3 T...Elektroonika → Elektriajamid 50 allalaadimist16docxSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A century ago communication across any distance was dependent upon the telegraph or letters. Nojets crossed the ocean, no television pictures enabled us instantly to see events in any part of the world,there were no worldwide telephone networks and no computers. It is just a short lifetime since humanity firsttravelled into space and discovered how fragile our planet looks. FROM FIREWORKS TO THE MOON At first glance you might think that there couldn't possibly be anything common between a 13 thcentury festival in China and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. However, there is a link and that is thatthey both relied on the use of rockets. The Chinese first developed rockets by filling bamboo tubes with an explosive made from saltpetre,charcoal, and sulphur. The sealed tubes would be thrown onto fires during celebrations because it wasthought ...Keeled → Inglise keel 15 allalaadimist4docxHoonete 3D laserskaneerimise kordamisküsimused 1. What do the acronyms TLS, MTLS, ALS, LIDAR, LASER, TOF, PS refer to?TLS (TerrestriaTLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) - viitab otseseltmaapealsele, peamiselt staatilisele, laserskaneerimisele. Kasutatakse kanimisõnana.Mobiilne terrestriline laserskaneerimine (MTLS) Mobiilset ehk dünaamilistlaserskaneerimist kasutatakse peamiselt sõiduki peal oleva seadme abilteede ja tänavate mõõdistamiseks.ALS - aerolaserskaneerimine (Airborne Laser Scanning) –viitab otseseltlennuki või helikopteri pealt laserskaneerimisele.LIDAR (LIght Detection and Ranging) – viitab kaugseire tehnoloogiale. Laialdaseltkasutatakse lennuki või helikopteri pealt skaneerimise kohta, kuigi nimetus ei ole viidatudlaseri kasutamisele ega muule tehnoloogialeLASER - (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation ek. valgusevõimendumine stimuleeritud kiirguse kaudu) on seade, mis võimaldab kiirata kitsaid,koherentseid ja monokr...Ehitus → Hoonete 3D laserskaneerimine 16 allalaadimist14docHome Assignments ELT Methodology (FLGR.01.041) 27.12.2012 Home Assignments.I Youtube clips: · A vision of K-12 students I personally think that Estonian learners are also digital learners. They spend more time at the computers or laptops or iPads etc. than read books or move outside. And another thing is that teachers are less capable in using technological appliances. But the latter mentioned fact is an advantage for us ­ teachers as well. It gives us an opportunity to provide our students to experience success. They can help and assist us if we need some technological help. Another thing is that in schools, in classes generally students are not allowed to use their appliances, so it means they have to communicate verbally as well. I think that teachers ...Keeled → Inglise keel 11 allalaadimist11pptFUTURE TENSES: WILL / GOING TOFUTURE TENSES: WILL / GOING TO I will travel to Japan next year decision I am going to study German at school plan WILL/GOING TOThe Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will"and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes beused interchangeably, they often express two very differentmeanings as mentioned before. I will probably go to Italy next Summer I am going to fly to Italy next Saturday Future Tense: Will FormAffirmative: I will travel to Madrid in OctoberInterrogative : Will you travel by bus?Negative : I will not travel - won'tWill you travel by train or by bus?I won't travel by bus I will probably travel by train Future Tense: Uses of ...Keeled → Inglise keel 4 allalaadimist2docInglise keele eksamiks- MonologueMONOLOGUE:preparation time 3 minutes, uninterrupted monologue time 2 minutes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDUCATION AND JOBS A5MONOLOGUETopic A5.2Read the topic below and prepare to speak about it. Use the questions given tohelp to plan your monologue.Some people think that all school-children should wear school uniforms. Why doyou think they say that? Do you agree? Give reasons.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are expected to structure your monologue and present it speaking fluentlywith appropriate pronunciation and intonation and only natural pauses. You areexpected to express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. Interact naturallywith appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications. Be logical and clear,paraphrase successfully. Your vocabulary...Keeled → Inglise keel 163 allalaadimist10docxElektriajamite 3. labor Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical EngineeringReport on laboratory work 3 on General Course of Electrical Drive SERVO DRIVE (FESTO) Jüri Lina 666BMW Group M16 Variant 2 Tallinn 20141. Functional DiagramComponent list:PC with Wmmemoc softwareSEC-AC-305 controllerMTR-AC-55 servo motor with encoderExternal 24VDC power supply unitTest stand with slide and limit switches4. Tables of observationsTask Operation/Record Observation1 Measure the slide position at Limit Slide moved to the right, switch 1 Limit 1 reached at 1,462 Turn pot...Elektroonika → Elektriajamid 43 allalaadimist3docArtikkel Artikkel · UMBMÄÄRANE ARTIKKEL A/AN: 1. Asja või olendi mainimine esmakordselt There is an apple on the table 2. A/AN -> one Give me a book 3. Üldistades A tiger is dangerous4. Elukutsete ja rahvuste puhulMrs black is an actress. She is an American.I have A sore throat / headacheI have A temperatureI have A coldGo for A walkHave A good timeHave A lookTake A bathTake A pictureSpeak in A loud voiceHalf AN hourOne A yearWhat A pity!As A matter of fact o MÄÄRAV ARTIKKEL 1. Kui mingist esemest või asjast on varem juba juttu olnud.. There is a car in garage. The car is blue. 2. Kui räägitakse mingist kindlast asjast või esemest. The pencil is on the table. 3. Enne järgarvu, ülivõr...Keeled → Inglise keel 150 allalaadimist10pdfHypothetical situations practice1.- Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.a) If only Peter doesn't live / didn't live / wouldn't live so far away from the town centre. We'll have to take a taxi.b) I feel rather cold. I wish I brought / had brought my pullover with me.c) What a pity. I wish we don't have to / didn't have to / wouldn't have to leave.d) If only you tell / told / had told me about the test. I haven't done any revision.e) I wish the people next door hadn't made / wouldn't make / couldn't make so much noise. I can't hear myself think!f) Darling, I love you so much! I wish we are / had been / would be / could be together always!g) I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come / came / had come / would come.h) I like my new boss but I wish she gave / would give / could give me some more responsibility.i) Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are / were / had been ...Keeled → Inglise keel 3 allalaadimist5odtWord order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective Word order: positive sentences subjects verb(s) object I speak English. I can speak English. Negative sentences subject verbs Indirect object Direct object place time I will not you the story at Tomorro tell school w. Subordinate Clauses conjunction subject verb(s) Indirec Direct place time t object object I will you the story...Keeled → inglise teaduskeel 35 allalaadimist2docxEmprical social research Home Assignment nr. 1 Social Empirical Research (1)1. What is/ are the research question(s) of this paper?2. Which research design was applied?3. Which sampling was used?4. What kind of results are produced?5. What are the main messages of this paper?6. Is it a piece of quantitative or qualitative research?1. Women entering in the Labour Force1.1. How women actually make the decision to enter the workforce? Why women stay in the workforce? If women actually make the decision to enter the workforces?1.2. Research design was Case Study.1.3. Sampling based on differrent international researchers works, projects, statistical data derived from CSO Labour Force Statistics and interviews. Individual women make decisions whether to enter the labor for different reasons and ways. Importance of women´s individual...Keeled → Inglise keel 8 allalaadimist


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.